In April 2021 Albi, our chairman, was contacted by Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council who asked whether The Shed would be prepared to take on the refurbishment of the main Council notice board situated below the museum. The last change to this board was when the Town was granted the Royal charter in March 2011 to become Royal Wootton Bassett. 

On close inspection it could be seen where the old lettering had been removed and replaced with the new without any update to the painted surface. In addition, much on the paintwork was flaking away and the entire double sided aluminium board was in serious need of some tlc.

Unfortunately the Covid pandemic seriously disrupted everyone’s schedule, so it wasn’t until October that we could truly get involved. 

The Royal Wootton Bassett grounds maintenance team supplied most of the materials, including paint and brushes, as well as new lettering through ASF Signs Ltd.

Albi, Steve, Geff and Phil supplied the labour. The peeling lettering was removed and work started to sand the main surfaces and remove flaking paint. The six individual notice boards were actually in very good condition and only really needed a good wash 

Sanding the paintwork quickly showed that there had only ever been one sprayed coat of paint and that there was no primer or undercoat to this sprayed coating which significantly contributed to the flaking of the paint.

Once the sanding was completed the primer could be applied. And even this one coat made a significant improvement to the overall visual.

24 hours was allowed for the primer to dry and bond to the aluminium. The topcoat was applied with a  smooth coat of black Hammerite  paint and the finials and circular embellishments were highlighted in gold.

Overall it is felt to be a “Job Well Done”

2021 – RWB Town Council Noticeboard