2023 – The RWB Shed Awarded a Grant

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The RWB Shed is extremely pleased to announce that we have been awarded a grant by Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council for the work undertaken for the Town and local community. The grant will be used to replace time expired

Christmas 2022 Festive Period

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The RWB Shed will have its last meeting on Thursday 15 th December and re-open on Thursday 5th January 2023. May we take this opportunity to wish all our residents and followers Seasons Greetings and hope everyone has a Very Happy Christmas and a prosperous

2022 – Co-op Members Please Help the RWB Shed

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As a @coopuk member you can make a difference just by buying Co-op products. Choose The RWB Shed as your local cause and lift up your community by raising much needed funds. #ItsWhatWeDo  Here is our fundraising link: https://membership.coop.co.uk/causes/56610

RWB Shed Visit to Crappers & Son’s, Brinkworth

Crappers Visit

A number of shedders undertook a visit to Crapper & Sons recycling facility in Brinkworth as they have now restarted their open days. The previous night and early morning of the visit provided torrential rain, which didn’t proffer well for

2022 – Bushton Manor Plant Fair

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It is with pleasure that the RWB Shed announce that they will be attending Bushton Manor Plant Fair on Monday 2nd May, 2022, where a range of hand crafted artisan items as well as upcycled items will be available. More

2021 – The RWB shed to Re-Open

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It is with the greatest pleasure and with the easing of Government restrictions, we can announce a re-opening of The RWB Shed. Occupancy will commence on Thursday 15th April, 2021 and we look forward to seeing all of our shedder

RWB Shed Wins Grant from RWB Town Council

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At a recent Revenue and Resources Committee meeting Royal Wootton Bassett Town Councillors were pleased to award grants to local community organisations. One of those was The RWB Shed which was awarded £500 to buy additional tools and equipment. The

2021 – RWB Shed to Remain Closed

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However, because of the latest Government Guidlines in relation to Tier 3 resrtictions, it was felt prudent that The RWB Shed remain closed for the immediate future at least until any review of the current restrictions occurs. We can still